Shoes help our youth take next step forward
If all of us were to close our eyes and try to remember back to times past, back to when we were grade-school or middle-school aged, even high-school aged, I am sure we all can recall times of feeling inadequate 2021Sneakers because of the brand of clothing we were wearing or because we didn’t have that one thing we felt every other kid had but that our parents just wouldn’t buy us.
In hindsight these were minuscule problems of our youth. However, I am sure they cemented a memory in your mind that, as you harken back, still produce a visceral reaction within you.
Now imagine that this problem were not so minute. Imagine it were something bigger, something much bigger, such as not having a proper pair of shoes for school. Imagine your shoes not fitting properly or falling apart at the seams with every lace frayed. Imagine your shoes leaking through the sole into your socks every time it rained and imagine your shoes being incompatible with athletic or outdoor activities.
How would this have affected you then and how would this still be affecting you today?
In southern West Virginia this is one of the major problems plaguing many of our children. Although we love being from West Virginia and take pride in our great state, we must be aware of this state’s huge chasm between the haves and have-nots. Nike Outlet Children from old coal baron money sleeping in lush beds in warm mansions are going to school with children who are sleeping in unheated trailers on nothing but maybe a mat on the floor. Some of these kids are not able to participate in gym class because of the poor quality of their shoes, while others are camped outside Footlocker waiting to get their hands on the next $300 pair of Yeezys.
The Equal Footing Shoe Fund is attempting to close this gap by providing new pairs of athletic shoes for children ages 1-18 who find themselves in need. The United Way of Southern West Virginia operates the fund by working in conjunction with local businesses and individuals to acquire new shoes. The shoes are then distributed to schools in Fayette, McDowell, Nicholas, Raleigh, Summers, Mercer and Wyoming counties upon requests from counselors, teachers, day care or social workers who work directly with these children.
Although many businesses and individuals have answered the call to serve, we still have a very high demand for new shoes. The difference a new pair of shoes can make to a child is uncanny. This small act of charity has a remarkable way of lifting these New Drop Jordans kids up and restoring the confidence they had been lacking. Who knows that a pair of shoes you donate might make the difference for the next Air Jordan who needs to go from cowering on the sideline to soaring, not only on the court, but through life.