Need a new pair of shoes? Why not try chainmail?
NEWS – Dontcha just hate it when your favorite sneakers get a hole in them? I’m a big fan of Brooks Running Shoes and it seems like mine always develop holes in the same spot after a couple of years of wear. So I’ve been searching for a new pair of shoes and happened upon the GoSt Barefoot shoes that are made of…wait for it… chainmail! Nope, not kidding. These German-made shoes are constructed of small metal rings that are attached together to create a fine mesh.
GoSt Barefoot shoes are available in a variety of styles including the CAYMARO CLIFF version that you see above, which has “paws” on the bottom that are designed to keep you from slipping on smooth surfaces like tile.
If you’re interested in learning more, you can visit where these shoes are $372.44 per pair (that doesn’t include shipping from Germany which for me Hoka Shoes to Indiana is an additional $61 when I checked). I also checked to see if Amazon sells them and found a blatant copy (right down to the metal tag on the side) from China for $168. The Amazon version doesn’t have “paws” on the bottom though.